At 19-years-old, Sydney Delong is like many people her age. She’s tired of school after her freshman year studying psychology at Ryerson University, she works part time at The Body Shop, and she is trying to find individuality on her own path. What sets her apart is her voice, which allowed her to preform in internationally recognized music festivals Canadian Music Week and NXNE.
Tag Archives: Canadian Music Week

CMW has brought some amazing international talent to Toronto, but I still feel the festival’s main strength is its support of local, unsigned, and underground talent. Day three for Antidote Magazine was all about exploration. I went to every show knowing nothing about the artists playing and I’m happy to say I was blown away by all the talent.
When I heard We Were Shark were playing CMW I couldn’t help but feel a little excited. The last time I saw these guys I was only eighteen and just getting into the local music scene. This Ottawa based five-piece are one of the only bands still playing a style of pop punk that I grew up on.
Last night marked the beginning of Canadian Music Week and seeing as catching every artist can be a bit of a daunting task I decided to take the first day slow and only check out one show, granted it was the insanely energetic and chaotic FIDLAR, but I’m getting ahead of myself.
With a frantic, headbanging, hard partying sound, Acid Priest has already made an impact on the local Toronto music scene. The four-piece band hailing from Stouffville, Ontario has been around for less than a year and already they’ve accomplished feats that bands take years to do. Their first LP, Outta Control, was released in mid January, in March they toured southern Ontario with Ottawa locals Old Rules, and now on May 7th they’re playing alongside Monster Truck for Canadian Music Week.
With SXSW and Coachella behind us, it’s time to turn our attention north. Canadian Music Week is a nine day festival showcasing both local and international talent. The fest has graduated from bitter March to balmy May, inviting the less cold resistant music fans. With an overwhelming number of artists, this year is sure to be bigger and better than anything before.