Spring is here, so it’s time to look at bike options for the season. Recently luxury car company Bugatti has teamed up with German luxury bicycle manufacturer to create the ultimate special bike. The last time these two collaborated they created a project priced around 39,000 U.S. dollars, so probably the priciest bike in the world.

‘Loving Vincent’ will be the world’s first feature length painted animation, with every shot painted with oil paints on canvas, just as Van Gogh himself painted. Written & Directed by Dorota Kobiela & Hugh Welchman, produced by Poland’s BreakThru Films & UK’s Trademark Films. The film is scheduled for a 2017 release.
It’s always a rewarding feeling after you’ve conquered a workout in the gym. You’ve been focused and determined; slaying away in the gym harder than you ever have before. There’s just one thing frustrating you. You aren’t seeing the results you were hoping for after a solid amount of committed time and effort to your workout program.
Many people fear the kettle bell. The uncertainty and fear of them makes them one of the most passed over gym tool. The benefits and ease of working with kettle bells are outstanding and really quite simple.
To help you understand kettle bells and why you should consider working with them I have called upon Ottawa’s Kettle Bell ‘Guru’; Ben Johnson, Fitness Professional – FKA, YTU, KBTS3, Biosignature Analysis.
The Criminalization of Blackness & the Prison Industrial Complex
Maria Arseniuk On the morning of Tuesday, November 8th I woke up ready to usher in the first female president of the United States. My three years of researching and writing about entrenched and institutionalized racism, sexism, homophobia and xenophobia prepared me for an inevitable Trump victory – and yet my optimism held out.
Maria Arseniuk On the morning of Tuesday, November 8th I woke up ready to usher in the first female president of the United States. My three years of researching and writing about entrenched and institutionalized racism, sexism, homophobia and xenophobia prepared me for an inevitable Trump victory – and yet my optimism held out.
[dropcap style=”simple” size=”5″]I[/dropcap]t’s a well-known fact that we have an issue when it comes to food distribution across the globe, and the only winners are large corporations who keep prices high, and the quality at an all time low. Rural communities across the world rely on farming as a source of sustenance for their families and villages.