Pop up stores are always a risk, but they provide a valued glance at the talent and vision that are in your city. Recently well renowned tailors Shaka Maidoh & Sam Lambert of Art Comes First Collective joined forces with Ouigi Theodore of Brooklyn Circus to open a pop up store last Friday in New York. It was Mr Theodore’s idea to collaborate with his long time friends and fashion blog superstars to make this pop up work.
For this first instalment the focus was on the “Dapper Chap” where the renowned British tailors brought a collection of goods that included Brogues, Fedoras and shirts to add to BKc’s range of products.
When the news spread about the pop up, there was no doubt that the creative minds of Lambert, Maidoh and Theodore would make the event extremely intriguing. Undoubtably the event was a major success, check out the video, created by Joshua Woods to showcase the event.
[media url=”http://vimeo.com/89828471″]Be sure to keep your ear to the ground for the next one!