EVENT: shy kids’ Lollipop-Up Show in Toronto

If you’re looking for a good time in Toronto tomorrow, look no further than the incredibly zany and intriguing “Lollipop-Up Show” at the 8-11 Gallery. Toronto natives shy kids are the hosts of honour at this creative endeavour, filled to the brim with great music, good food, and entertainment aplenty.

The event starts at 8pm at 233 Spadina Ave. on October 29th. It is a free event. Once you get there, you’ll be treated to live music from shy kids, Bobby Love, and a “super secret surprise” according to the event’s Facebook page. I reached out to the members of shy kids to get some insight on their activities and the event itself. Check out their answers below and come out and enjoy the festivities!

1) There’s a sense of nostalgia when you watch the music video for your song “® o c k e t s” with all those different brands of candy and chocolate. What was your inspiration for this ambitious project?

Walter: Candy has a nostalgia and an embedded innocence that is very fun to subvert and play with. When we make a video about the apocalypse using candy it kind of takes away it’s inherent sweetness of sugar and creates a really interesting juxtaposition. This idea that things that taste so good and are so colourful can actually be really bad for you is a very interesting metaphor for many different vices.

Matt: Also some of the lyrics reference candy and its ingredients, so a candy video really worked as an idea for us to accompany the song.

[youtube_advanced url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrlEdNh8W8I” width=”900″ height=”600″ rel=”no”]

2) What was the reason for setting up such an elaborate “Lolli-pop Up” show?

Walter: The theme of the record is to be Lofty! and this show is no different. We will be playing a more intimate set but we wanted everything around it to have the same production level people expect from everything we do.

Patrick: I think we just wanted to throw a big party. Us playing live again seemed like a great reason to, and even though it’s a more stripped back sound compared to what’s on the record, we wanted it to be a crazy experience all-around for the people who come out.

3) How did you feel when you finally released your first album? Was there a sense of relief, excitement, nervousness?

Walter: I felt pretty depressed once it was done cause we worked on it for so long. It was this monkey I always had on my back, so that when I wasn’t working on anything, I could think about it and work on it. Now I’m just excited to make more things with a quicker turn around.

Patrick: I was happy to finally have it out there, given that it was taking up so much space in my head for so long. Figuring out the record was an obsession at points. It was exciting to finally have people listen to it and vibe with it, after three years of trying to get it right.

Matt: Definitely all three of those. We’re all super excited for the next step: bringing it to the stage.

4) What are your plans for the near future? Have you started work on any new material or are you enjoying the calm before the storm?

Walter: We have an EP in the works… I think it’s gonna be about going to America.

Patrick: Then we want to go to Matt’s parents’ place in BC to work on the next LP. We’ve got some out-there concepts for it and I think it’ll be a fun and challenging experiment to execute on them.

Matt: Also working on getting the live show really tight with additional musicians.

5) If you could play at any music festival in the world, where would you play and why?

Walter: Glastonbury. I’ve got family in Scotland and I’ve dreamt about it since I was extremely young. I have my outfit picked out, the covers I wanna do, what I’ll say. Give us a year-ish.

Patrick: During one of our recording sessions up north two winters ago, in the delirium of staying up so late working on the tracks, Walter started shouting all this stuff to the imaginary Glastonbury crowd while we were listening back to the day’s work. It sold me on it.

[youtube_advanced url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCe40hG99kI” width=”900″ height=”600″ rel=”no”]

Check out the event on Facebook here.


Jacob Crepeault

My name is Jacob Crepeault. I am a student at Carleton University with an extensive palette for all things music. Throw in some hip-hop, a dash of indie rock, a touch of experimental, and baby, you got a stew goin'. I am the eldest of 8 children which means chaos is my friend. In my spare time, I enjoy creating my own short films, dabbling in the art of remixing, and goofing around with friends. My main goal as a journalist is to enlighten avid music listeners about fresh and dynamic musicians.