American designer Tommy Hilfiger and face of the brand Gigi Hadid, recently unveiled their ’70s beach-inspired collection on the Tommyland runway. The show took place on the west side of Venice Beach in Los Angeles with a host of celebrities and models that were on hand to check out the new collection.
While everybody is still recovering from the drop jaw syndrome and the wake of drama induced punditry that Lemonade left on the music scene, we have discovered a remedy. Enter stage left BOSCO & Speakerfoxxx. This ATL(iens) duo is just the fun-inducing, don’t give and WHAT!!, group that you will undoubtedly be bouncing to throughout the sunshine and into the warm summer nights.
As far as I can remember I’ve always had an obsession with textiles. When I was seven years old I begged my mother to teach me to sew; years before that I fell in love with Spain for their fabulously eclectic patterns and vivid colours (so much so that I attempted to teach myself Spanish at the age of six.