Bamboo Barre

[highlight bg=”#DDFF99″ color=”#000000″]Bamboo Barre founder, Kashani Thomas, has a passion for helping others achieve their fitness goals. Prior to dedicating her life to developing the Bamboo Barre technique, choreography and business, Kashani was best known as one of Ottawa’s first studio barre instructors. With a loyal following that felt touched, inspired, and challenged after each class, she decided to take her talents as a barre instructor to the next level and produce one of the best kept secrets in the fitness world. Bamboo Barre is a practice that anyone can benefit from. Whether you’re a professional athlete, elder statesman, or casual attendee at the gym, Bamboo Barre has everything you need to transform your figure into the one you’ve always dreamt of. Combining static holds, subtle, and rhythmic movements, Kashani and her attendees may make it look easy, but I for one can attest that it will work up a sweat. If you decide to try this at home, the barre can be replaced with a broom or a mop The moves you’re about to perform should be done to the beat of your favourite music to make it more like a dance and less like ‘working out'[/highlight]

Tricep Extension



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Wide 2nd Squats (Thighs)



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Rear Leg Extension (Targets Glutes)



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Bridge Dancing



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Core leg extension




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Inner Thigh, hamstring and calf


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Inner Thigh and Hamstring


Did you manage to build up a sweat? I thought so. Contact Kashani Thomas by visiting so you can add an amazing routine to your daily repetoire.

Photography. Nana Sechere


Nana Sechere is the Co-Publisher & Managing Editor of the Antidote Magazine. Armed with knowledge of pop culture events that happened long before he was born, Nana may just possess the most random assortment of knowledge you could ever imagine. With interests in all things relating to entertainment, media theory, sports, bartending, social psychology, and traveling to as many countries as he possibly can in his lifetime, it's his hope that his articles will provide a unique and fresh perspective. Nana hopes you enjoy all things Antidote and is working hard to facilitate the release of many more of our projects. Twitter/Instagram/Facebook/Soundcloud: @NanaCoppertone