Many people fear the kettle bell. The uncertainty and fear of them makes them one of the most passed over gym tool. The benefits and ease of working with kettle bells are outstanding and really quite simple. To help you understand kettle bells and why you should consider working with them I have called upon Ottawa’s Kettle Bell ‘Guru’; Ben Johnson, Fitness Professional – FKA, YTU, KBTS3, Biosignature Analysis.
Forget What You Think You Know About Crossfit. This widely popular sport has quickly become the latest trend for exercise and it is so much more than shirtless athletes grunting through insane looking workouts. CrossFit workouts are based on functional movements, and these movements reflect the best aspects of gymnastics, weightlifting, running, rowing and more.
Myth #1: Longer Workouts = Better Workouts
With most goals exercise quality is more important than quantity. Smart exercise will always take precedent over long exercise. Each workout has 2 primary variables: intensity and duration. Try to workout at a certain intensity so the duration is limited.
Not controlling your workout intensity and spending too much time in the gym is actually bad for your body because your body will produce excess stress hormones which will hinder the recovery process.