Supreme’s F/W 2016 Lookbook


274 Lafayette Street
New York City, NY

Tel: +1 212-966-7799

One of the most hyped street brands in the world is back with its fall/winter 2016 look book. This season features some fresh punchier looks and lots of graphics. The collection launches Thursday August 18th in store and undoubtedly there will be a lineup probably four New York City blocks of devoted Supreme fans, trying to get first dibs on the latest in this great collection of casual street wear. If you want to avoid all that, the collection goes online for purchase August 25th.

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Andrew Carter is a well renowned entrepreneur with an extensive background in marketing and specifically, trendsetting. He founded antidote magazine in 2001 and has been Editor in Chief since it's conception. This position allows him to sustain creative control, while still engaging in areas of design, photography, all the while ensuring a high caliber of journalism for the benefit of our readers. As Editor in Chief, his sole mission is to continue to provide you with the most dynamic, smart and compelling national magazine.