Wand, the LA-based psych-rock outfit, has returned for a full throttle experiment. 1000 Days is the second studio album that Wand has released this year, but that doesn’t mean they skimped on the sound quality. When bands release two studio albums with such a short time span in between, there are always two scenarios that can play out.
Tag Archives: rock

Listening to a band’s first release is a lot like the aftermath of a first date. Best case scenario you find yourself in total bliss, eagerly wanting more, worst case scenario you feel bitter and betrayed. With that being said, Wild Love’s debut self-titled release falls very much in the first of those scenarios.
Music, along with many elements of our society, has changed rapidly and boldly in the past few decades. As the Internet and globalization have made the world smaller, our knowledge and understanding of humanity and culture has broadened and modified in ways unimaginable to generations of the past. Understanding the culture of a Third World nation, or of any faraway place, is a challenge that requires years of studying books and documents by those people who were privileged enough to see such places.Even
The big question is what came first, poppy electronic-meets-rock hits or Dragonette? Dragonette is doing what they have always done, except now the same beats, high vocals, and catchy hooks flow through every radio by a number of pop stars. The band has stuck by their original style and sounds more radio-ready than ever, thanks partially to the mega-successful “Hello,” by Martin Solveig and Martina Sorbara, the lead singer.