[note color=”#000001″]
Murray Street
110 Murray Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1N 5M7
Map Tel: 613.562.7244
murraystreet.ca[/note] [quote style=”1″]The art of salting, curing, and smoking meat,”as Murray Street’s Chef, Steve Mitton, defines charcuterie, is no easy task “It’s a lot of brining of fresh meats or taking whole muscles and being patient with it—either curing it in salts, liquid brines, dry brines, dry cures, slow smoking, long hanging times where you don’t touch the meat even if you’re tempted to feel if it’s firm or not.”
Ottawa, Ontario
K1N 5M7
Map Tel: 613.562.7244
murraystreet.ca[/note] [quote style=”1″]The art of salting, curing, and smoking meat,”as Murray Street’s Chef, Steve Mitton, defines charcuterie, is no easy task “It’s a lot of brining of fresh meats or taking whole muscles and being patient with it—either curing it in salts, liquid brines, dry brines, dry cures, slow smoking, long hanging times where you don’t touch the meat even if you’re tempted to feel if it’s firm or not.”